My brother read my post ‘For the Kamba in Me’ and I think he was horrified. I can picture him reading my post and muttering to himself,” Big bro has lost his marbles! “ Well l have not lost them, at least not all of them- yet. He then coined a name for me- The Blue Poet. That I like - somewhat because the colour blue is a nice colour and brings to mind many things (and yes pornography is one of them).
To more serious matters now. I put a tag at the end of the poem but in hindsight I feel I should have used the word Sensuality instead of Sexuality. Sexuality refers to (in the context of my post) the concern with or interest in sexual activity. What I had in mind was the quality or state of being sensual. I was more interested in seeing how my fellow bloggers reacted to stimulation (yes sexual!)
I will now proceed to rate all of you who visited my blog on a scale of 2 to 12 (don't ask why 2 instead of 1.) I know you will all hate me but the truth must be told…. And here it is for the world to see! Sorry folks. There is a lot of room for improvement!!!!
As I am the poet and the author of the poem I award myself --- 10 points
Nick and Guess tie for second place with ---- 8 points
Medusa and Farmgal are a close third with --- 7 ½ points
Kipepeo comes in a close fourth with ----- 7 points
Prousette, Wanduma, Shiro and Mshairi get ----- 6 points
Msanii_xl ------ 2.85 points
Aikey---------------------------------------6.86 points
Ms K----------------------------------------8.01 points
Bloggers who visited and didn’t comment were awarded ------ 2 points

Key: White – not sensual ------------- 2 points
Green- Timid/shy ------------- 3 points
Purple- Interested -------------- 5-6 points
Blue - Warming up ------------ 7-8 points
Yellow – Steaming up ------------- 9- 9 1/2
Red- Kambas and French -------- 10-12 points
Ratings are continuous so please log on for the latest. Feel free to comment and improve you rating!!!!
Kudos to my blog friend Nick for showing me the way to easily post photos. Thanx Nick ehhh...Sorry for your rating!!!